
Ananias ăn˝ənī´əs [key][Gr.,=Heb. Ananiah andHananiah]. 1In theActs of the Apostles, man who, with his wife Sapphira, held back part of a gift to the early Jerusalem church and lied about it. They were rebuked by Peter and fell dead. The name has become a term for liar. 2High priest at Jerusalem (AD 47–59), a Roman sympathizer, hated by most of the Jews for his oppression and his alliance with the Roman interest. He was assassinated at the outbreak of the Jewish War in AD 66. 3In theActs of the Apostles, Christian at Damascus who took charge of Paul after his conversion. 4One of theThree Young Menwhose ordeal and song are recorded in the Additions to Daniel. See also Hananiah.

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