
CushorKush kŭsh, ko͝osh [key]. 1Son ofHamand father of the Asian nation of the same name, perhaps the same nation as one of similar name in E Mesopotamia. Gen. 10.8; 1 Chron. 1.10. 2Benjamite opposed to David. Ps. 7, title.

3Ancient kingdom ofNubia, in the present Sudan, which flourished from the 11th cent. BC to the 4th cent. AD The rulers of Cush overran Upper Egypt (mid-8th cent. BC) as far as Thebes.Piankhiconquered the rest of Egypt (Lower Egypt) from Tefnakhte.Taharkawas defeated in the Delta by the Assyrians, and the Cushites lost control of Egypt. The Cushite capital was transferred fromNapatatoMeroë; Meroë was a prosperous state until the 4th cent. AD, when it fell to the Ethiopians and was abandoned.

See A. J. Arkell,A History of the Sudan to AD 1821(1955, repr. 1974).

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