
Meshullam mĕshŭl´əm [key], in the Bible. 1Ancestor of Shaphan. 2Son of Zerubbabel. 3SeeMeshelemiah. 4See沙龙 4and 7. 5Father-in-law ofJohanan 10. 6Repairer of the wall. 7Assistant of Ezra. 8Father of the Benjamite Sallu. 9Ancestor ofAdaiah 4. 10Gadite chief. 11Chief man of the Exile. 12, 13Sealers of the covenant. 14Grandfather ofAzariah 24. 15, 16Priests in the time of Jehoiakim. 17Prince of Judah. 18One present at the reading of the Law. 19A porter.

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