
Omri ŏm´rī[key]. 1King of Israel. He was a general in the army of Elah, and on the king's death at the hands ofZimri 1,Omri proclaimed himself king. Soon after this Zimri killed himself. Omri defeated Tibni, a pretender, and moved his capital from Tirzah to Samaria, thenceforth the chief city of Israel. Omri is mentioned on the Moabite stone and on Assyrian inscriptions, which call Israelthe land of Omri.Omri was in close touch with the Syrian petty kingdoms, and his son Ahab's marriage with Jezebel was a result of this alliance. 1 Kings 16.16–28; 20.34. 2Benjamite. 1 Chron. 7.8. 3Judahite. 1 Chron. 9.4. 4Issacharite. 1 Chron. 27.18.

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