
圣礼(Lat。,=something holy], an outward sign of something sacred. In Christianity, a sacrament is commonly defined as having been instituted by Jesus and consisting of a visible sign of invisible grace. Christianity is divided as to the number and operation of sacraments. The traditional view held by Orthodox, Roman Catholics, and certain Anglicans counts the sacraments as seven—圣餐洗礼确认忏悔给病人施膏,婚姻(见婚姻)和圣职(见订单,神圣的).这些被认为是通过圣事行为的表现在受者的灵魂中产生恩宠(Ex opere operato);接收者只需要有正确的意图。大多数新教教派承认两种圣礼——洗礼和圣餐主的晚餐.新教徒普遍认为,这是参与者的信仰,本身是上帝的礼物,而不是圣礼行为产生恩典的力量。七圣礼的传统划分将死者的圣礼,例如,洗礼和苦修,因为它们是为处于罪恶状态的灵魂准备的;其余的人,活人的圣礼,被授予在恩典状态下的灵魂。

