Judson, Adoniram

Judson, Adoniram ădənī´rəm [key], 1788–1850, American Baptist missionary, b. Malden, Mass. At Andover Theological Seminary, he became the leader of a missionary movement out of which grew the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. As a Congregational minister, Judson sailed (1812) for India. After conversion to the Baptist faith, he went (1813) to Myanmar, where he remained for 30 years. In 1845 he visited the United States, and on his return to Moulmein (1846; now Mawlamyine) he completed and published (1849) hisDictionary, English and Burmese.He had also translated the Bible into Burmese. The Judson Memorial Church in New York City is named for him.

See biographies by his son Edward Judson (1883), S. R. Warburton (1937), and C. Anderson (1956); V. E. Robinson,The Judsons of Burma(1966).

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