Bartram, William

Bartram, William,1739–1823, American naturalist, b. Philadelphia; son of JohnBartram. He is known chiefly for hisTravels(1791), in which he describes his journey (1773–77) through the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida and areas to the west. His book vividly portrays the plants and wildlife of the country and lists 215 native birds, the most complete list of that time. Bartram's influence is seen in the works of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Chateaubriand, and other writers who found his book an unexcelled source of descriptions of the American wilderness and its inhabitants.

See T. Hallock and N. E. Hoffmann, ed.,William Bartram, The Search for Nature's Design: Selected Art, Letters, and Unpublished Writings(2010).

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