Gesner, Konrad von

Gesner, Konrad von kôn´rät fən gĕs´nər [key], 1516–65, Swiss scientist and bibliographer. Gesner was noted for his scholarship and erudition in almost every field of knowledge. He lived in Zürich and other European cities, teaching physics and natural history and practicing medicine and surgery. Among his works was a dictionary of plants,Historia plantarum,written in 1541; most of his botanical writings were collected and published (2 vol., 1751–71) as theOpera botanica.He is most important as a reviver of the classical school of zoological description that culminated in the work of Linnaeus. Gesner's beautifully illustrated compendiumHistoria animalium(5 vol., 1551–58, 1587) influenced both biology and the arts and is considered the foundation of zoology as a science. The genusGesneriais named after him. His other works includeMithridates(1555), a philological study of 130 languages, andBibliotheca universalis(4 vol., 1545–49), an index in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew of writings in all languages.

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