ĭn'dēəm[钥匙],金属化学元素;符号;在。不。49;在。WT。114.818;M.P.156.6°C; b.p. about 2,080°C; sp. gr. 7.31 at 20°C; valence +1, +2, or +3. Indium is a soft, malleable, ductile, lustrous, silver-white metallic element; it crystallizes in a face-centered tetragonal structure. Its properties are similar to those of gallium, the element directly above it in Group 13 of the周期表。像镓一样,它仍然在液态态在各种温度范围内。它润湿玻璃,可用于形成更耐腐蚀的镜面,并反射银色。它还用于低熔点可熔合金,作为轴承和其他金属表面的保护电镀。虽然铟抗氧化室温,但在其熔点上方加热时,它会点燃和燃烧紫色火焰;形成的氧化物用于玻璃制作以产生黄色。铟与卤素和(当温暖)随其他非金属,例如磷,硒和硫进行反应。它具有与镓和铝相似的三价化合物。铟盐颜色色泽燃烧深蓝色紫色。磷化铟,砷和锑苷酸是光纤维,热敏电阻和整流器中使用的半导体材料。 Indium is found in very low concentrations in many ores and minerals; it was first found in zinc blende and is produced commercially as a byproduct of the smelting of zinc. Indium was discovered in 1863 by Ferdinand Reich and H. T. Richter, using spectroscopic analysis; it was named for a brilliant indigo line in its spectrum.

