
双星双星系统,由相互的引力结合在一起的一对恒星,它们围绕着共同的质量中心旋转。1650年,里奇奥里发现了第一个双星系统,即北斗七星柄上的一颗中间恒星——齐塔Urase Majoris。真正的双星与光学双星是截然不同的。光学双星几乎与地球在同一条视线上,但在物理上没有联系。双星被分成三类。视觉双星是通过直接望远镜观测可以看到的一对具有共同运动的独特的恒星。即使使用最强大的望远镜,光谱双星也不能被看作是两颗独立的恒星,但这对双星的谱线显示出周期性的多普勒效应,表明它们相互旋转。一些线表示朝向地球的运动,而另一些线表示远离地球的运动;后来,当恒星在自己的轨道上旋转时,这种模式发生了逆转。日食双星的轨道平面位于视线附近,当一颗恒星从另一颗恒星前面经过时,它的亮度会出现周期性的波动。双星中质量较大的恒星(A)称为主恒星,质量较小的恒星(B)称为次级恒星; e.g., Sirius A and Sirius B are the primary and secondary components of the Sirius system. It seems likely that more than two-thirds of the stars in our galaxy are binary or multiple (a system of more than two stars moving around their mutual center of mass), since many stars within 30 light-years of the sun are binary or multiple. The masses of the components of a spectroscopic binary can be determined from the observed motions and Newton's law of gravitation; binary stars are the only stars outside the solar system for which masses have been directly determined. Binary stars are thus important indicators from which the masses of all similar stars can be deduced. Measurements of the masses of some of the visual binary stars have been used to verify the质光关系.虽然大多数双星之间都有距离,但大熊星座双星的组成部分实际上是相互接触的,它们的相互引力将它们的形状扭曲成泪滴状。在二元系统中,一个成员是a脉冲星例如,PSR 1913+16的轨道周期为7小时45分钟;在这种情况下,另一颗星也是a中子星.轨道周期随着系统以引力波的形式失去能量而减小;用来测量时空曲率对双星轨道的影响的时钟,这样的系统证实了爱因斯坦的广义相对论。

