
看,在天文学中,可以观察到恒星和其他天体的清晰度。它主要是由地球的大气层决定的。最明显的现象是闪烁,这时恒星的亮度似乎在波动。被天文学家称为闪烁,闪烁是由空气的热运动引起的,它使不同温度和密度的空气层旋转。由于不同密度的空气会使光线发生不同程度的弯曲,这种运动导致恒星发出的光的路径发生微小的变化。闪烁在地平线附近最为明显,因为来自恒星的光路径会穿过更多的大气层。由于行星是一个圆盘,而不是像恒星那样是一个点源,所以它通常不会闪烁,但由于同样的效应,当它接近地平线时,可以看到它表面的波动。此外,底部的大气比顶部的大气密度大,因此不断地使来自恒星的光线越来越多地向垂直方向弯曲。因此,除了头顶上的星星外,所有的星星看起来都比实际更接近天顶;这在地平线附近的恒星中最为明显。 This effect causes the sun (or moon) to appear elliptical when it is rising or setting because its bottom edge is raised more by the refraction of the atmosphere than its top. Astronomical observatories are located in areas where seeing is good, usually on mountains where they are above some of the more turbulent layers of the atmosphere and also removed from cities' lights. Astronomers consider the seeing excellent when the star image covers 0.5″ of sky or less. Some observatories use adaptive optics, in which telescope optics are adjusted instantly by computer to correct for seeing effects.

