biblical archaeology

biblical archaeology,术语适用于archaeologyof the biblical lands, especially those of the ancient Middle East. While the thousands of written texts found in the languages of the ancient Middle East illuminate the Bible itself, the artifacts uncovered by archaeologists help re-create the cultural setting of its time.

Biblical archaeology developed in earnest in the early part of the 19th cent. when the British biblical scholar Edward Robinson traveled across Palestine and opened the way for study of the area. The founding (1865) of the Palestine Exploration Fund in Great Britain further encouraged research; by 1900 biblical archaeological societies had been formed in Germany, France, and the United States. The system developed by Tel-el-Hesy (seeEglon 2) to date pottery is of the greatest importance for the archaeology of Palestine, where spectacular monuments and written material are rarely found. Other important excavations in Palestine were undertaken at杰里科由约翰Garstang.和others, as well as atMegiddo,Samaria,Gibeah 1,Beth-shan,拉吉,Ezion-geber, and夏琐 1.Outside Palestine the important archaeological discoveries in the old lands of埃及,Sumer(see alsoUr),Babylonia(see alsoGilgamesh哈穆拉比),Assyria,byblos.,怒zi,Ugarit, andJordan(see alsoMoabite stone) did much to increase knowledge of the Bible.

巴勒斯坦部的古物系于1918年成立,鼓励研究,直到1948年以色列国家建立的动荡年份;从那时起,巴勒斯坦的一些最重要的考古工作是由以色列考古学家进行的,例如,在1948年和1955年和1955年的Joppa和工作的古代电话(由古城沉淀的人为土墩)的开挖从1962年到1967年的阿拉德。希律王的令人印象深刻的凯瑟雷建筑项目正在广泛调查。在以色列边界之外,1975年在EBLA(告诉Mardikh在叙利亚告诉Mardikh)的大型缓存 - 大型美洲岛帝国的中心,蓬勃发展C.26th-23分。公元前

After two centuries of biblical archaeology, it is possible to read the Bible in a new light. It has become clear that ancient Palestine was an integral part of the whole cultural area of the ancient Middle East. Archaeology confirms the existence of fertility cults in Canaan and supports the theory that there was not a sudden era of conquest by Hebrew tribes in the premonarchical period. Excavations have also failed to find evidence that would support many of the biblical descriptions of the monarchial period.

考古学无法确认神学真理或信仰的文章。但是,发现了Dead Sea Scrollsin 1947 and in the subsequent decade and the finds at sites in the vicinity of谷木兰彻底改变了对新约时代的犹太教的理解。发现了2D和3D分的希腊新遗嘱的几种手稿。广告,找到了nag hammadi.corpus of Gnostic scriptures in 1946, and the steady publication of Egyptian papyri in the 20th and 21st cent. have enlarged perceptions respectively of the accuracy of the New Testament text, the diversity and vibrancy of early Christianity, and the kind of Greek in which the New Testament was written.

看到一个.NeGev,Ed。,Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land(1972); H. D. Lance,The Old Testament and the Archaeologist(1981);P. Matthiae,EBLA:重新发现帝国(1981);W. G. DVEVER,Recent Archaeological Discoveries and Biblical Research(1990); A. Mazar,Archaeology of the Land of the Bible 10,000–586 BCE(1990); F. M. Cross,Qumran古代图书馆(1995).

    The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,第6届。版权所有©2012,哥伦比亚大学出版社。版权所有。

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