
Pachacamac pa˝chakamak´[关键秘鲁卢林谷,利马东南约25英里(40公里)处,是一个有围墙的印第安人定居点遗址。这里有许多金字塔,被安第斯山脉中部的土著人认为是最重要的宗教遗迹之一。西班牙的历史记录,以及对该遗址的广泛考古研究,都有助于澄清它的历史和意义。到中世纪早期(约公元200-600年),这里至少有一座金字塔、一座墓地和一幅彩色鱼壁画。公元600-800年,华里帝国以秘鲁中南部高地为基地,在秘鲁中部海岸获得了霸权,并赞助了帕查卡马克的建设,可能把它变成了华里的一个主要行政中心。大量受华日影响的设计出现在这个遗址的大型墓地的陶瓷和纺织品上。华日公司倒闭后,帕恰卡马克的规模不断扩大,最终占地约210英亩(85公顷)。在这一后期(约800 - 1450年),大部分建筑群和金字塔都建成了。主要的建筑单元是包含阶梯式金字塔、存储结构和天井的围墙围墙。场地围绕两条垂直的大道组织,与基本方向一致,在场地中心彼此交叉。 Historical sources indicate that in the 15th cent., the Rimac and Lurin valleys formed a small polity known as the Ichma, which established an alliance with the Inca. Following the expansion of the Inca empire, Pachacamac became an important Inca administrative center, while maintaining its status as a religious shrine. The Inca built five separate complexes there, including the Pyramid of the Sun and the Mamacuna. The latter contains fine Inca masonry in its entrance gate, a rarity on the coast. The Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro heard about Pachacamac from the Inca, while holding the Inca King Atahualpa prisoner at Cajamarca in 1532. He promptly sent an expedition to sack the center. The Spanish conquerors seized a large amount of silver and gold from the site and destroyed an idol. Spanish accounts indicate Pachacamac was one of the holiest shrines in the central Andes. The site's name derives from the Quechua term for the coastal deity,柏查Camac[他使宇宙充满活力]。这个地方的主庙是献给这位神的,并有一个著名的神谕。朝圣者从很远的地方来到这个中心,它的墓地被认为是神圣的。帕查卡马克遗址被保存了下来,印加建筑之一的马马库纳也被重建。

