
Sacco-Vanzetti案例 t săk´ō- vă新西兰ĕ´ē[关键.1920年4月15日,马萨诸塞州南布伦特里一家鞋业公司的出纳员。他的警卫被两名携带超过1.5万美元逃跑的男子开枪打死。从目击者的报告来看,凶手是意大利人。尼古拉·萨科(Nicola Sacco)和巴托洛梅奥·万泽蒂(Bartolomeo Vanzetti)与另外两名意大利人一起去车库认领一辆当地警方认为与犯罪有关的汽车,因此他们被逮捕了。两人都是无政府主义者,害怕被司法部驱逐出境。两人都逃避了兵役。他们在被捕时作了虚假陈述;两人都携带枪支;然而,两人都没有犯罪记录,也没有任何证据表明他们拥有这些钱。 In July, 1921, they were found guilty after a trial in Dedham, Mass. and sentenced to death. Many then believed that the conviction was unwarranted and had been influenced by the reputation of the accused as radicals when antiradical sentiment was running high. The conduct of the trial by Judge Webster Thayer was particularly criticized. Later much of the evidence against them was discredited. In 1927 when the Massachusetts supreme judicial court upheld the denial of a new trial, protest meetings were held and appeals were made to Gov. Alvan T. Fuller. He postponed the execution and appointed a committee to advise him. On Aug. 3 the governor announced that the judicial procedure in the trial had been correct. The execution of Sacco and Vanzetti on Aug. 22, 1927, was preceded by worldwide sympathy demonstrations. They were—and continue to be—widely regarded as martyrs. However, new ballistics tests conducted with modern equipment in 1961 seemed to prove conclusively that the pistol found on Sacco had been used to murder the guard. This has led some authorities to conclude that Sacco was probably guilty of the crime, but that Vanzetti was innocent. The case was the subject of Maxwell Anderson's play闪电之神并反映在他的身上Winterset。这也是厄普顿·辛克莱小说的主题波士顿以及埃德娜·圣文森特·米莱的十四行诗。

参见F.法兰克福,萨科和凡泽蒂的案子(1927年,repr。1961);g·l·乔因和e·m·摩根,萨科和凡泽蒂的遗产(1948年,repr。1964);r·h·蒙哥马利,Sacco-Vanzetti:谋杀与神话(1960年,repr。1965);d·费利克斯抗议:萨科、凡泽蒂和知识分子(1965);h·b·埃尔曼,不会死的案子(1969);f .,萨科和凡泽蒂(1976);w。Young和d。e。Kaiser,尸检:萨科和万泽蒂案件的新证据(1985);b·沃森萨科和凡泽蒂(2007)。

