Famous Firsts

Updated February 21, 2017 |Factmonster Staff

A collection of "firsts," from the first subway to the first black astronaut

巴兹·奥尔德林爬down the Eagle's ladder to the lunar surface.

Firsts in American History

The first college, five-and-dime store, subway, postage stamp, vaudeville theater, and skyscraper

Firsts in American Cities

The first parking meter, opera house, ferris wheel, baseball stadium, and lighthouse

Famous Firsts by Hispanic Americans

The first Hispanic-American politicians, professional baseball players, and more

Famous Firsts by Asian Americans

The first governor, astronaut, Academy Award winner, and anchor at NPR

Famous Firsts by African Americans

The first African-American billionaire, combat pilot, Nobel Prize winner, poet laureate, Oscar winner, and Miss America

Famous Firsts by American Women

First American woman doctor, presidential candidate, astronaut, rabbi, senator, conductor, and Indian chief

Famous Firsts in Aviation (U.S. and World)

First balloon flight, first parachute jump, helicopter flight, transcontinental flight, solo flight around the world

Famous Firsts by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Americans

The first transgendered mayor, gay judge, and lesbian Olympic gold medalist

Famous Firsts by the Beatles

The Fab Four's first concert, No. 1 hit, and more

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