Redd Foxx

(John Elroy Sanford)
comedian, actor
Born: 12/9/1922
Birthplace: St. Louis, Missouri

African-American comedian who made his mark in the TV smashSanford and Son(1972–77) after many years of odd jobs and short stretches on the night club circuit, including a kitchen job with Malcolm Little who would later be known asMalcolm X. Foxx hit it big in Las Vegas in 1968, but didn't make the celluloid jump until the 1970 filmCotton Comes to Harlem.The role brought him to the attention of producers Bud Yorkin andNorman Learwho decided to cast Foxx inSanford and Son,his first major success. The show was followed by others, includingThe Redd Foxx Comedy Hour(1977–78) and theRedd Foxx Show(1986). He later co-editedThe Redd Foxx Encyclopedia of Black Humor(1977).

Died: 10/11/1991
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