
1756 - 1836
1791 - 1795;1795 - 1797

毛刺,亚伦(西奥多·德怀特的表弟),纽约州参议员,美国副总统;1756年2月6日出生于新泽西州纽瓦克;1772年毕业于新泽西学院(现普林斯顿大学);学习神学,但很快就放弃了它,转而学习法律;在独立战争期间,1775-1779年加入大陆军;1782年获得律师资格,在纽约州奥尔巴尼执业;1783年搬到纽约;1784-1785年、1798-1799年州议会成员;1789-1790年任纽约州司法部长;1791年担任革命索赔专员; elected to the United States Senate and served from March 4, 1791, to March 3, 1797; unsuccessful candidate for reelection; president of the State constitutional convention in 1801; in the presidential election of 1800, Burr and Thomas Jefferson each had seventy-three votes, and the House of Representatives on the thirty-sixth ballot elected Jefferson President and Burr Vice President; challenged and mortally wounded Alexander Hamilton in a duel fought at Weehawken, N.J., July 11, 1804; indicted for murder in New York and New Jersey but never tried in either jurisdiction; escaped to South Carolina, then returned to Washington and completed his term of service as Vice President; arrested and tried for treason in August 1807 for attempting to form a republic in the Southwest of which he was to be the head, but was acquitted; went abroad in 1808; returned to New York City in 1812 and resumed the practice of law; died in Port Richmond, Staten Island, N.Y., September 14, 1836; interment in the Presidentâs lot, Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, N.J.


美国国家传记;美国传记词典;耶鲁美国法律传记词典;毛刺,亚伦。亚伦·伯尔的政治通信和公共文件。玛丽-乔·克莱恩编辑,2卷。普林斯顿:普林斯顿大学出版社,1983;赫伯特·S·帕梅特和玛丽·赫克特。亚伦·伯尔:一个雄心勃勃的人的肖像。纽约:麦克米伦出版社,1967;梅尔顿,巴克纳F,小。亚伦·伯尔:叛国罪。纽约:Wiley, 2002;霍弗,彼得·查尔斯。亚伦·伯尔的叛国罪审判。劳伦斯:堪萨斯大学出版社,2008。
