
1842 - 1931

再见,艾伯特·泰勒,阿拉巴马州众议员;出生于阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利县的罗宾逊斯普林斯。1842年12月17日;曾就读于哥伦比亚大学的罗宾逊斯普林斯学院和南卡罗莱纳学院;内战期间,他加入了邦联军,一直服役到1865年6月;战争结束后,他作为一个神枪手连的队长被征召入伍,并被授予联邦荣誉十字勋章;1867年毕业于夏洛茨维尔的弗吉尼亚大学;在鲁宾逊泉附近从事农业活动;1874年至1880年国家监狱长;1886年和1887年担任州众议院议员;1892年至1896年在州参议院任职; successfully contested as a Populist the election of James E. Cobb to the Fifty-fourth Congress and served from April 22, 1896, until March 3, 1897; was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1896 to the Fifty-fifth Congress; elected commander in chief of the United Confederate Veterans May 8, 1928; resumed agricultural pursuits near Robinson Springs, Ala.; died while on a visit in Birmingham, Ala., on July 2, 1931; interment in Oakwood Cemetery, Montgomery, Ala.
