
1791 - 1872

本杰明·周霍华德(约翰·伊格·霍华德之子),马里兰州众议员;1791年11月5日出生于马里兰州巴尔的摩附近的âBelvedere、â;他攻读古典学,1809年毕业于普林斯顿学院;学习法律;获得律师资格,并开始在巴尔的摩执业;参加了1812年的战争;晋升为第五团团长,随后晋升为准将,并在国家军事组织中继续突出地位多年;1820年,巴尔的摩市议会成员;1824年成为州议会代表;当选为第21届和第22届国会的杰克逊派议员(1829- 1833年3月3日); declined the mission to Russia tendered by President Van Buren; commissioned by President Jackson in 1835, with Richard Rush, of Philadelphia, as peace emissary of the National Government in the controversy over the boundary line between Ohio and Michigan; elected as a Jacksonian to the Twenty-fourth Congress and reelected as a Democrat to the Twenty-fifth Congress (March 4, 1835-March 3, 1839); chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs (Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Congresses); reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States 1843-1862; member of the peace conference of 1861, held in Washington, D.C., in an effort to devise means to prevent the impending war; unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Governor of Maryland in 1861; died in Baltimore, Md., March 6, 1872; interment in Greenmount Cemetery.
