
1706 - 1790

本杰明·富兰克林,(富兰克林·达文波特的叔叔),宾夕法尼亚州的代表;出生于马萨诸塞州波士顿, 1706年1月17日;曾在波士顿文法学校就读一年;在小学阶段接受私人教师的指导;在牛油杂货店里工作了两年;学会了印刷的艺术,在波士顿、费城和伦敦工作了一段时间后,他在费城成为了一名印刷商和出版人;1728年创办了《宾夕法尼亚公报》,1732年开始出版《穷理查年鉴》;国家打印机;1736-1750年,宾夕法尼亚大会职员;1737年任费城邮政局长; a member of the provincial assembly 1744-1754; a member of several Indian commissions; elected a member of the Royal Society on account of his scientific discoveries; deputy postmaster general of the British North American Colonies 1753-1774; agent of Pennsylvania in London 1757-1762 and 1764-1775; Member of the Continental Congress 1775-1776; signed the Declaration of Independence; president of the Pennsylvania constitutional convention of 1776; sent as a diplomatic commissioner to France by the Continental Congress and, later, Minister to France 1776-1785; one of the negotiators of the treaty of peace with Great Britain; president of the executive council of Pennsylvania 1785-1788; president of the trustees of the University of Pennsylvania; delegate to the Federal Convention in 1787; died in Philadelphia, Pa., April 17, 1790; interment in Christ Church Burial Ground.


