
1872 - 1933

卡尔文·柯立芝美国副总统和第30任总统;1872年7月4日生于佛蒙特州温莎县普利茅斯的约翰·卡尔文·柯立芝,但在大学毕业后就把他的名字约翰去掉了;就读于公立学校,黑河学院,勒德洛,佛蒙特州和圣约翰伯里学院;1895年毕业于马萨诸塞州阿默斯特学院;学习法律;1897年获得律师资格,并开始在马萨诸塞州北安普顿执业。1899年成为市议会议员;1900-1902年;1904年任法院书记;1907-1908年州众议员; resumed the practice of his profession in Northampton; elected mayor of Northampton in 1910 and 1911; member, State senate 1912-1915, and served as president of that body in 1914 and 1915; lieutenant governor of Massachusetts 1916-1918; Governor of Massachusetts 1919-1920; elected Vice President of the United States on the Republican ticket headed by Warren G. Harding in 1920; was inaugurated on March 4, 1921, and served until August 3, 1923; upon the death of President Warren G. Harding became President of the United States on August 3, 1923; elected President of the United States in 1924 for the term expiring March 3, 1929; was not a candidate for renomination in 1928; served as chairman of the Nonpartisan Railroad Commission and as honorary president of the Foundation of the Blind; died at âThe Beeches,â Northampton, Mass., January 5, 1933; interment in Notch Cemetery, Plymouth, Vt.


