
1778 - 1858

查尔斯·芬顿·默瑟著(罗伯特·塞尔登·加内特的堂兄),弗吉尼亚州众议员;1778年6月16日出生于弗吉尼亚州弗雷德里克斯堡;1797年毕业于普林斯顿学院;1800年在同一所大学攻读研究生并获得学位;学习法律;1802年获得律师资格,并在弗吉尼亚州劳登县的阿尔迪开始执业;1810-1817年州议会代表;1812年战争期间,他被任命为弗吉尼亚州一个团的中校,然后在弗吉尼亚州的诺福克担任少校指挥官;1814年担任监察长;巴伯总督的副官和指挥弗吉尼亚第二旅的准将; projector and first president of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co. 1828-1833; delegate to the State constitutional convention in 1829; elected as a Federalist to the Fifteenth through the Seventeenth Congresses; reelected to the Eighteenth Congress as a Crawford Republican; reelected to the Nineteenth and Twentieth Congresses as an Adams; reelected as an Anti-Jacksonian to the Twenty-First through the Twenty-fourth Congresses; reelected as a Whig to the Twenty-fifth through Twenty-sixth Congresses and served from March 4, 1817, to December 26, 1839, when he resigned; chairman, Committee on Roads and Canals (Twenty-second through Twenty-fifth Congresses); was one of the originators of the plan for establishing the Free State of Liberia; vice president of the Virginia Colonization Society in 1836; vice president of the National Society of Agriculture in 1842; died in Howard, near Alexandria, Va., May 4, 1858; interment in Union Cemetery, Leesburg, Loudoun County, Va.


