
1845 - 1896

查尔斯·弗雷德里克·克里斯普(查尔斯·罗伯特·克里斯普之父),乔治亚州众议员;1845年1月29日出生于英国谢菲尔德;同年晚些时候,他的父母移民到美国,在佐治亚州定居;曾就读于佐治亚州萨凡纳和梅肯的普通学校;1861年5月加入邦联军队;他被任命为弗吉尼亚步兵第十团K连中尉,并在该团服役,直到1864年5月12日成为战俘;1865年6月,他从特拉华堡获释,到佐治亚州施莱县的埃拉维尔与父母团聚。在乔治亚州阿梅里克斯学习法律;1866年获得律师资格,开始在埃拉维尔执业;1872年被任命为西南巡回司法的副检察长,并于1873年再次被任命,任期四年; appointed judge of the superior court of the same circuit in June 1877; elected by the general assembly to the same office in 1878; reelected judge for a term of four years in 1880; resigned that office in September 1882 to accept the Democratic nomination for Congress; president of the Democratic gubernatorial convention at Atlanta in April 1883; elected as a Democrat to the Forty-eighth and to the six succeeding Congresses and served from March 4, 1883, until his death; chairman, Committee on Elections (Fiftieth Congress), Committee on Rules (Fifty-second and Fifty-third Congress); Speaker of the House of Representatives (Fifty-second and Fifty-third Congresses); nominated for United States Senator in the State primary of 1896; died in Atlanta, Ga., October 23, 1896; interment in Oak Grove Cemetery.


马龙,普雷斯顿圣克莱尔。查尔斯·弗雷德里克·克里斯普的政治生涯。dr . diss。美国佐治亚大学,1962年;马丁,S.沃尔特。查尔斯·f·克里斯普:众议院议长格鲁吉亚审查8(1954年夏):167-77。
