
1865 - 1951

道斯、查尔斯·盖茨(鲁弗斯·道斯之子,比曼·盖茨·道斯之兄),美国副总统;1865年8月27日生于俄亥俄州华盛顿县的玛丽埃塔;上过普通学校;1884年毕业于玛丽埃塔学院,1886年毕业于辛辛那提法学院;1886年获得律师资格,并在内布拉斯加州林肯市执业。, 1887 - 1894;对公用事业和银行业感兴趣(1894-1897);1898-1901年,美国财政部货币审计官;1902年竞选美国参议员失败;第一次世界大战期间被任命为少校、中校和第十七届工程师准将;曾在美国远征军(American Expeditionary Forces)担任供应采购负责人,也是陆军部清算委员会(清算委员会)成员; resigned from the Army 1919; upon the creation of the Bureau of the Budget was appointed its first Director in 1921; appointed to the Allied Reparations Commission in 1923; for his work on a program to enable Germany to restore and stabilize its economy, shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1925; elected on November 5, 1924, Vice President of the United States on the Republican ticket with President Calvin Coolidge and was inaugurated March 4, 1925, for the term ending March 3, 1929; Ambassador to Great Britain 1929-1932; resumed the banking business and was chairman of the board of the City National Bank and Trust Co., Chicago, Ill., from 1932 until his death in Evanston, Ill., April 23, 1951; interment in Rosehill Cemetery, Chicago, Ill.


