
1739 - 1812

克林顿、乔治,(乔治·克林顿[1771-1809]、德·威特·克林顿和詹姆斯·格雷厄姆·克林顿的叔叔),来自纽约的代表和美国副总统;1739年7月26日出生于纽约州阿尔斯特(今奥兰治)县的小不列颠;预备研究完成;在攻打弗伦特纳克堡的远征中担任游骑兵中尉;学习法律;获得律师资格,开始在小不列颠执业;1759年担任普通上诉法院书记员,1765年担任地方检察官;新温莎测量员;1768年成为州议会成员;1774年在纽约通信委员会任职; Member of the Continental Congress from May 15, 1775, to July 8, 1776, when he was ordered to take the field as brigadier general of militia; appointed brigadier general by Congress in March 1777; Governor of New York 1777-1795; president of the State convention which ratified the Federal Constitution; again Governor of New York 1801-1804; elected Vice President of the United States in 1804 as a Republican and served four years under President Thomas Jefferson; reelected in 1808 and served under President James Madison until his death in office; died in Washington, D.C., April 20, 1812; interment in the Congressional Cemetery; reinterment in the First Dutch Reformed Church Cemetery, Kingston, N.Y., in May 1908.


