
1815 - 1868

科布,豪厄尔(Howell Cobb[1772-1818]的侄子),乔治亚州众议员;出生在?樱桃山?杰斐逊县,Ga。,一八一五年九月七日;随父亲搬到了乔治亚州的雅典。在童年;1834年毕业于雅典富兰克林学院(当时是佐治亚大学的一部分);学习法律;获得律师资格并在乔治亚州的雅典开始执业。, 1836年;1837-1841年,乔治亚州西部司法巡回法院副检察长;作为民主党人当选为第二十八届国会议员和继任的三届国会议员(1843年3月4日- 1851年3月3日);里程委员会主席(第二十八届大会); Speaker of the House of Representatives (Thirty-first Congress); Governor of Georgia 1851-1853; elected to the Thirty-fourth Congress (March 4, 1855-March 3, 1857); Secretary of the Treasury in the Cabinet of President Buchanan and served from March 6, 1857, to December 10, 1860, when he resigned; chairman of the convention of delegates from the seceded States which assembled in Montgomery, Ala., on February 24, 1861, to form a Confederate Government; appointed a brigadier general in the Confederate Army February 13, 1862, and promoted to major general September 9, 1863; surrendered at Macon, Ga., April 20, 1864; died in New York City October 9, 1868; interment in Oconee Cemetery, Athens, Clarke County, Ga.

