

丹尼尔·爱德华·隆格,加利福尼亚州众议员;1946年9月22日出生于加州洛杉矶县长滩;1960年就读于长滩圣巴纳巴斯学校;1964年毕业于长滩圣安东尼高中;1968年,印第安纳州南本德市圣母大学文学学士;1968-1969年就读于洛杉矶南加州大学法律中心;乔治敦大学法律中心法学博士,华盛顿特区,1971年;1972年获得加州律师资格;律师,私人执业;美国加州参议员乔治·墨菲和田纳西州参议员比尔·布洛克的工作人员; delegate, California State Republican conventions, 1974-1979; cochairman, National Congressional Council, 1977-1978; elected as a Republican to the Ninety-sixth and to the four succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1979-January 3, 1989); was not a candidate for renomination in 1988 to the One Hundred First Congress; elected California State attorney general in 1990 for the four-year term beginning in January 1991 and reelected in 1994; unsuccessful candidate for governor in 1998; elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Ninth and to the three succeeding Congresses (January 3, 2005-present); chair, Committee on House Administration (One Hundred Twelfth Congress).
