
1914 - 1992

克劳森,戴尔文·摩根来自加利福尼亚州的众议员;出生在亚利桑那州格雷厄姆县的撒切尔。1914年1月11日;曾就读于亚利桑那州皮马和萨福德的公立学校;就读于亚利桑那州撒切尔的吉拉学院。,在1933年和1934年;1934-1940年从事各种工作;1941年,美国就业服务局面试官;在亚利桑那州和加利福尼亚州的联邦公共住房管理局工作(1942-1947);1947-1963年,加州康普顿住房互助协会经理;1953-1957年,康普顿市议会议员;1957-1961年担任康普顿市长,1961年连任,任期四年; director of three Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts 1957-1963; elected as a Republican to the Eighty-eighth Congress, by special election, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of United States Representative Clyde Doyle, and reelected to the seven succeeding Congresses (June 11, 1963-December 31, 1978); was not a candidate for reelection to the Ninety-sixth Congress in 1978; was a resident of Downey, Calif., until his death there on May 5, 1992.
