
1821 - 1893

马歇尔,爱德华·科尔斯顿报道来自加利福尼亚州的众议员;出生于肯塔基州伍德福德县。, 1821年6月29日;就读于肯塔基州丹维尔的中心学院。毕业于肯塔基州列克星敦的特兰西瓦尼亚大学(Transylvania University);就读于华盛顿学院(现在的华盛顿李大学);学习法律,考上律师;搬到旧金山,后来又搬到加州的索诺拉;练习;参加过墨西哥战争;作为民主党人当选为第三十二届国会议员(1851年3月4日- 1853年3月3日); was renominated in 1852, but withdrew before the election; settled in Marysville, Calif., and again engaged in the practice of law; unsuccessful candidate for election to the United States Senate in 1856; moved to Kentucky and devoted himself to legal pursuits for twenty-one years; returned to San Francisco in 1877 and continued the practice of law; attorney general of California 1883-1886; died in San Francisco, Calif., July 9, 1893; interment in Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, Calif.
