
1906 - 1993

施温格尔,爱荷华州众议员弗雷德里克·德尔伯特;1906年5月28日出生于爱荷华州富兰克林县谢菲尔德附近的一个农场;在西福克乡的乡村学校和爱荷华州查平和谢菲尔德的高中上学;1930年毕业于位于柯克斯维尔的东北密苏里师范学院;1933-1935年就读于爱荷华州立大学研究生院;1930-1937年,在密苏里州谢尔比纳和柯克斯维尔的公立学校担任体育教练、历史和政治学讲师;1937-1954年在爱荷华州达文波特从事保险业务;1929-1936年在密苏里州国民警卫队服役;1945-1955年,州众议院议员;1949-1955年爱荷华州发展委员会委员; elected as a Republican to the Eighty-fourth and to the four succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1955-January 3, 1965); unsuccessful candidate for reelection to the Eighty-ninth Congress in 1964; elected as a Republican to the Ninetieth and to the two succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1967-January 3, 1973); unsuccessful candidate for reelection to the Ninety-third Congress in 1972; founder and president, Capitol Historical Society, 1962-1993; founder and president, Republican Heritage Foundation; died on April 1, 1993, in Arlington, Va.
