
1752 - 1816
1800 - 1803

莫里斯,Gouverneur(刘易斯·莫里斯同父异母的兄弟,刘易斯·理查德·莫里斯的叔叔),纽约州的代表和参议员;1752年1月31日出生于纽约州莫里萨尼亚(现在是纽约市的一部分);由私人教师指导;1768年毕业于纽约Kingâs学院(现哥伦比亚大学);学习法律;1771年获得殖民地律师资格,并开始在纽约市执业;1775-1777年,纽约州国会议员;1776年成为州民兵的中校;1776年为纽约州准备政府形式的委员会成员;1777年担任第一届国务院安全委员会委员; member, first State assembly 1777-1778; Member of the Continental Congress in 1778 and 1779; signer of the Articles of Confederation in 1778; moved to Philadelphia in 1779; appointed assistant superintendent of finance 1781-1785; Pennsylvania delegate to the convention that framed the Constitution of the United States in 1787; returned to live in New York in 1788; went to Europe on business in 1789; Minister Plenipotentiary to France 1792-1794; returned to the United States in 1798; elected in 1800 as a Federalist to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of James Watson and served from April 3, 1800, to March 3, 1803; unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1802; chairman of the Erie Canal Commission 1810-1813; author on legal and political subjects; died in Morrisania, N.Y., November 6, 1816; interment in St. Anneâs Episcopal Churchyard, Bronx, N.Y.


美国传记词典;莫里斯,Gouverneur。格瓦诺·莫里斯的日记。安妮·莫里斯编辑,2卷。1888.重印。纽约:Da Capo出版社,1970年;布鲁克海瑟,Richard。革命绅士:格瓦诺·莫里斯,《写宪法的浪子》。纽约:自由出版社,2003年;亚当斯,威廉·霍华德。格瓦诺·莫里斯:独立的生活。纽黑文:耶鲁大学出版社,2003年。
