
1747 - 1812

小贝德福德,冈宁(Gunning Bedford的堂兄),特拉华州代表;出生于宾夕法尼亚州费城。1747年;1771年毕业于普林斯顿学院;在费城学习法律;1779年获得特拉华州律师资格,并开始在特拉华州多佛执业;搬到了特拉华州的威尔明顿;1783-1785年大陆会议成员;1784年4月26日被任命为州检察长,任期至1789年9月26日;1786年9月在马里兰州安纳波利斯召开的制宪会议上,他任命了一名委员,但没有出席;1787年在费城参加联邦制宪会议并签署宪法; delegate to the State convention that ratified the Federal Constitution in 1787; member of the State senate in 1788; appointed United States judge for the district of Delaware September 26, 1789, which position he held until his death in Wilmington, Del., March 30, 1812; interment in First Presbyterian Churchyard; reinterment at the Masonic Home of Delaware, on Lancaster Pike, two miles west of Wilmington, Del.
