汉尼拔·哈姆林,国会,ME (1809-1891)

1809 - 1891
1848 - 1857;1857 - 1861;1869 - 1881

哈姆林,汉尼拔一位来自缅因州的众议员、参议员和美国副总统;1809年8月27日生于缅因州牛津郡帕里斯山;就读于地区学校和希布伦学院;负责家庭农场,担任测量员、印刷厂排字工、学校教师;学习法律;1833年获得律师资格,并在佩诺布斯科特县的汉普登执业,直至1848年;1836年至1841年、1847年担任州众议院议员,并于1837年、1839年和1840年担任议长;1840年,民主党候选人在第27届国会选举中落败;作为民主党人当选为第28和29届国会议员(1843年3月4日- 1847年3月3日);选举委员会主席(第29届国会); unsuccessful Democratic candidate for election to the United States Senate in 1846; elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate in 1848 by the anti-slavery wing of the Democratic party to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John Fairfield; reelected in 1850 and served from June 8, 1848, to January 7, 1857, when he resigned to become Governor; chairman, Committee on Commerce (Thirty-first through Thirty-fourth Congresses); Committee on Printing (Thirty-second Congress); left the Democratic Party in 1856; Governor of Maine January to February 1857, when he resigned; elected to the United States Senate as a Republican and served from March 4, 1857, until his resignation, effective January 17, 1861, to become vice president; elected Vice President of the United States on the ticket with Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865; appointed collector of the port of Boston in 1865 but resigned in 1866; again elected to the United States Senate in 1869; reelected in 1875 and served from March 4, 1869, until March 3, 1881; was not a candidate for renomination; chairman, Committee on the District of Columbia (Forty-first Congress), Committee on Manufactures (Forty-second Congress), Committee on Mines and Mining (Forty-second and Forty-third Congresses), Committee on Post Office and Post Roads (Forty-fourth and Forty-fifth Congresses), Committee on Foreign Relations (Forty-fifth Congress); United States Minister to Spain from 1881 to 1882, when he resigned; devoted the remainder of his life to agricultural pursuits; died in Bangor, Maine, July 4, 1891; interment in Mount Hope Cemetery.


