
1884 - 1972
1935 - 1945

杜鲁门他是密苏里州参议员、副总统和美国第33任总统;1884年5月8日生于密苏里州巴顿县拉马尔;1888年,他随父母搬到了密苏里州杰克逊县的一个农场;就读于密苏里州独立市的公立学校;从事农业活动;第一次世界大战期间被任命为中尉,后来成为上尉,在美国陆军129野战炮兵D炮台服役,在海外服役;1919年作为少校退伍;美国陆军预备役部队野战炮兵上校(1927-1945);1919-1921年从事服饰生意;在堪萨斯城(密苏里州)法学院学习法律; judge of the Jackson County Court 1922-1924, and presiding judge 1926-1934; elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate in 1934; reelected in 1940 and served from January 3, 1935, until his resignation on January 17, 1945; chairman, Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program (Seventy-seventh and Seventy-eighth Congresses), formed at Truman’s initiative and widely known as the “Truman Committee,” which called nationwide attention to military contracting procedures; elected Vice President of the United States on the Democratic ticket with Franklin Roosevelt in 1944, and inaugurated on January 20, 1945; upon the death of President Roosevelt on April 12, 1945, became President of the United States; elected in 1948 for the term ending January 20, 1953; was not a candidate for reelection in 1952; returned to his home in Independence, Mo.; engaged in writing his memoirs and took an active interest in the creation of the Truman Library; died in Kansas City, Mo., December 26, 1972; interment in the Rose Garden at the Truman Library, Independence, Mo.


