
1873 - 1963

阿伦斯,亨利·马丁,明尼苏达州代表;1873年11月21日出生于德国威斯特伐利亚;曾就读于德国的公立学校和一所农业学校;1889年移民到美国,定居在明尼苏达州斯科特县的乔丹附近;1903年从事农业活动;明尼苏达州乔丹市参议委员会成员。, 1905 - 1913;1913-1919年在教育委员会任职;1920年担任Land O ' Lakes Creamery的组织者之一,担任董事会成员12年,1927-1933年担任副总裁;1919-1923年州众议院议员;1923-1929年在州参议院任职; Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota 1929-1931; elected as a Farmer-Laborite to the Seventy-third Congress (March 4, 1933-January 3, 1935); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1934 to the Seventy-fourth Congress and for election in 1936 to the Seventy-fifth Congress; resumed agricultural pursuits; unsuccessful candidate in 1942 for the Farmer-Labor nomination for United States Senator; retired from active business in 1944; died in Jordan Minn., October 6, 1963; interment in Calvary Cemetery.
