
1735 - 1819

威廉姆森,休一名代表和一名北卡罗来纳州代表;他出生在宾夕法尼亚州西诺丁汉镇的奥特拉拉溪。1735年12月5日;就读于普通学校;准备在特拉华州的纽瓦克上大学1757年毕业于费城的宾夕法尼亚大学;学习神学,并于1758年获得讲道执照;1760年因健康不佳辞职;费城学院数学教授;曾在苏格兰爱丁堡和荷兰乌得勒支学医;回到费城训练; engaged in business; member of the American Philosophical Society, and was a member of the commission to observe the transits of Venus and Mercury in 1773; at the time of the âBoston Tea Partyâ he was examined in England by the privy council regarding it; returned to America in 1776 and settled in Edenton, N.C.; engaged in mercantile pursuits; during the Revolutionary War was surgeon general of the North Carolina troops 1779-1782; Member of the State house of commons in 1782 and 1785; member of the Continental Congress 1782-1785, and 1788; delegate to the Federal Convention in 1787; member of the State ratification convention in 1789; elected as a Federalist to the First and Second Congresses and served from March 19, 1790, until March 3, 1793; moved to New York City in 1793; engaged extensively in literary pursuits until his death in New York City, May 22, 1819; interment in the Apthrop tomb in Trinity Churchyard.


