
1788 - 1866

莱弗勒,艾萨克(谢泼德·莱弗勒的兄弟),弗吉尼亚州众议员;出生在他祖父的种植园,宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿县的西尔维亚斯平原。1788年11月7日,弗吉尼亚州惠灵(今西弗吉尼亚州)附近;就读于公立学校,毕业于宾夕法尼亚州卡农斯堡的杰斐逊学院;学习法律;获得律师资格,并在弗吉尼亚州的惠灵开始执业;1817年至1819年、1823年至1827年、1832年和1833年担任州众议院代表;1827年担任州公共工程委员会成员;作为亚当斯候选人被选入第二十届国会(1827年3月4日- 1829年3月3日);1828年连任第21届国会议员失败;1835年搬到现在爱荷华州得梅因县的密歇根领地; admitted to the Des Moines County bar April 15, 1835, and practiced law; chief justice of the first judicial tribunal of Des Moines County April 11, 1836; after the creation of Wisconsin Territory April 20, 1836, served in the first legislature of the new Territory in 1836 and 1837 and served as speaker in 1837; member of the house of representatives of the Territory of Iowa in 1841; appointed by President Tyler United States marshal for the district of Iowa December 18, 1843; confirmed January 16, 1844, and served until removed by President Polk December 29, 1845; resumed the practice of law in Burlington, Iowa; declined the appointment of register of the land office at Stillwater in 1849; appointed by President Fillmore receiver of public moneys for the Chariton land district of Iowa August 30, 1852, and served until removed by President Pierce on March 29, 1853; died in Chariton, Lucas County, Iowa, March 8, 1866; interment in Aspen Grove Cemetery, Burlington, Iowa.
