詹姆斯·吉莱斯皮·布莱恩,国会,ME (1830-1893)

1830 - 1893
1876 - 1881

布莱恩,詹姆斯·吉莱斯皮来自缅因州的众议员和参议员;出生于宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿县西布朗斯维尔。一八三〇年一月三十一日;毕业于宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿大学。, 1847年;曾在肯塔基州蓝舔泉的西方军事学院任教;回到宾夕法尼亚;学习法律;1852-1854年在费城的宾夕法尼亚盲人学院任教;1854年搬到缅因州,在那里担任《波特兰广告商》和《肯纳贝克杂志》的编辑;1859-1862年,州众议院议员,最后两年担任议长;作为共和党人当选为第38届国会议员和随后的6届国会议员,从1863年3月4日到1876年7月10日辞职; Speaker of the House of Representatives (Forty-first through Forty-third Congresses); chairman, Committee on Rules (Forty-third through Forty-fifth Congresses); unsuccessful candidate for nomination for President on the Republican ticket in 1876 and 1880; appointed and subsequently elected as a Republican to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Lot M. Morrill; reelected and served from July 10, 1876, to March 5, 1881, when he resigned to become Secretary of State; chairman, Committee on Civil Service and Retrenchment (Forty-fifth Congress), Committee on Rules (Forty-fifth Congress); Secretary of State in the Cabinets of Presidents James Garfield and Chester Arthur, from March 5 to December 12, 1881; unsuccessful Republican candidate for President of the United States in 1884; Secretary of State in the Cabinet of President Benjamin Harrison 1889-1892, when he resigned; aided in organizing and was the first president of the Pan American Congress; died in Washington, D.C., January 27, 1893; interment in Oak Hill Cemetery; reinterment at the request of the State of Maine in the Blaine Memorial Park, Augusta, Maine, in June 1920.


美国传记词典;布莱恩,詹姆斯·G。国会二十年:从林肯到加菲尔德。2波动率。康涅狄格州诺维奇:亨利·比尔出版公司(Henry Bill Publishing Co., 1884-1886);希利,大卫。詹姆斯·g·布莱恩和拉丁美洲。哥伦比亚:密苏里大学出版社,2001年。
