James LLOYD, Congress, MA (1769-1831)

Senate Years of Service:
1808-1813; 1822-1823; 1823-1825; 1825-1826
联邦;联邦;Adams-Clay Federalist; Adams

LLOYD, James, a Senator from Massachusetts; born in Boston, Mass., in December 1769; attended the Boston Latin School and graduated from Harvard University in 1787; became a merchant and was interested in foreign trade; member, State house of representatives 1800-1801; member, State senate 1804; elected as a Federalist to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of John Quincy Adams in 1808; reelected, and served from June 9, 1808, until May 1, 1813, when he resigned; again elected in 1822 to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Harrison Gray Otis; reelected, and served from June 5, 1822, until May 23, 1826, when he resigned; chairman, Committee on Naval Affairs (Eighteenth Congress), Committee on Commerce (Nineteenth Congress); retired from public life and moved to Philadelphia, Pa., in 1826; died in New York City, April 5, 1831; interment in Kingsâ Chapel Burying Ground, Boston, Mass.


Ford, Worthington C. âThe Recall of John Quincy Adams in 1808.âMassachusetts Historical Society Proceedings45 (October 1911-June 1912): 354-75; Ford, Worthington C., ed. âLetters of James Lloyd, 1815-1824.âMassachusetts Historical Society Proceedings45 (October 1911-June 1912): 375-408.

Source: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1771-Present