
1855 - 1912

谢尔曼,詹姆斯·斯库尔克拉夫特,纽约州众议员,美国副总统;1855年10月24日出生于纽约州尤蒂卡;上公立学校;参加过学术和大学课程,并于1878年毕业于纽约州克林顿的汉密尔顿学院;学习法律;1880年获得律师资格,并在纽约州尤蒂卡开始执业;尤蒂卡信托存款公司和新哈特福德罐头公司的总裁;1884年尤蒂卡市长;作为共和党人被选为第五十届和第五十一届国会议员(1887年3月4日- 1891年3月3日);印第安人事务委员会主席(第五十四届至第六十届大会); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1890 to the Fifty-second Congress; elected to the Fifty-third and to the seven succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1893-March 3, 1909); was not a candidate for reelection, having been nominated as the Republican candidate for Vice President on the ticket with William Taft; elected Vice President of the United States in 1908 and served from March 4, 1909, until his death; had been renominated for Vice President in June 1912; died in Utica, Oneida County, N.Y., October 30, 1912; interment in Forest Hill Cemetery.


美国传记词典美国国家传记;Schlup,伦纳德。âThe保守派政治的脉搏:詹姆斯s谢尔曼和1908年的共和党Ticket.â社会科学探索5 (Summer 1988): 9-22。
