
1749 - 1822

英格索尔,贾里德(查尔斯·贾里德·英格索尔和约瑟夫·里德·英格索尔之父),宾夕法尼亚州代表;1749年10月24日出生于康涅狄格州纽黑文;受过古典教育;1766年毕业于耶鲁学院;定居在宾夕法尼亚州的费城。1771年;学习法律并于1773年获得律师资格;1774年在英国伦敦的中殿完成法律教育,1776年去了巴黎;1778年回到费城开始行医;1780年大陆会议成员;参加1787年制定联邦宪法会议的代表; was the first attorney general of Pennsylvania 1790-1799 and served again from 1811 to 1817; United States district attorney for the eastern district of Pennsylvania; declined the appointment of judge of the Federal court in 1801; unsuccessful Federalist candidate for Vice President of the United States in 1812; presiding judge of the district court of Philadelphia County until his death in Philadelphia, Pa., October 31, 1822; interment in the First Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Fourth and Pine Streets.


