
1821 - 1875
1861 - 1861

约翰。布莱金瑞奇,卡贝尔(约翰·布雷肯里奇的孙子,克利夫顿·罗兹·布雷肯里奇的父亲,亨利·唐纳·福斯特的表弟),肯塔基州的众议员、参议员和美国副总统;出生于肯塔基州列克星敦附近的âCabellâs Dale,â。1821年1月16日;曾就读于肯塔基州伍德福德县的皮斯加学院;毕业于肯塔基州丹维尔的中心学院。, 1839年;后来就读于新泽西学院(现在的普林斯顿大学);在肯塔基州列克星敦的特兰西瓦尼亚学院学习法律;1840年被承认为律师;后来搬到了爱荷华州的伯灵顿,但很快又回到肯塔基州的列克星敦开始练习;在1847年和1848年的墨西哥战争中担任第三肯塔基志愿军少校;1849年任州众议院议员; elected as a Democrat to the Thirty-second and Thirty-third Congresses (March 4, 1851-March 3, 1855); was not a candidate for renomination in 1854; was tendered the mission to Spain by President Franklin Pierce, but declined; elected Vice President of the United States in 1856 on the Democratic ticket with James Buchanan as President; unsuccessful candidate for President in 1860; elected to the United States Senate and served from March 4, 1861, to December 4, 1861, when he was expelled for support of the rebellion; entered the Confederate Army during the Civil War as brigadier general and soon became a major general; Secretary of War in the Cabinet of the Confederate States from January until April 1865; resided in Europe until 1868; returned to Lexington, Ky., and resumed the practice of law; vice president of the Elizabethtown, Lexington Big Sandy Railroad Co.; died in Lexington, Ky., May 17, 1875; interment in Lexington Cemetery.


