
1859 - 1943

克罗斯比,约翰·克劳福德马萨诸塞州众议员;出生于谢菲尔德,伯克郡,马萨诸塞州。1859年6月15日;在皮茨菲尔德的公立学校上学;毕业于纽约州波基普西的伊士曼商学院和马萨诸塞州波士顿的波士顿大学法学院;1882年获得律师资格,并开始在马萨诸塞州伯克郡的匹茨菲尔德执业。1884-1890年任皮茨菲尔德学校委员会委员;在1886年和1887年担任州众议院议员;1888年和1889年担任州参议院议员;银行及火灾及人寿保险公司董事;作为民主党人当选为第五十二届国会议员(1891年3月4日- 1893年3月3日); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1892 to the Fifty-third Congress; mayor of Pittsfield, Mass., in 1894 and 1895; delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1896; city solicitor 1896-1900; appointed justice of the superior court on January 25, 1905, and served until December 31, 1913, when he was appointed justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, in which capacity he served until his retirement on October 1, 1937; died in Pittsfield, Mass., on October 14, 1943; interment in Pittsfield Cemetery.
