
1741 - 1819
1789 - 1793;1793 - 1795;1795 - 1801

兰登,约翰(伍德伯里·兰登的兄弟),新罕布什尔州的代表和参议员;1741年6月26日出生于新罕布什尔州的朴茨茅斯;就读于当地的文法学校;当过学徒,当过职员,下过海,从事过商业活动;革命运动的杰出支持者,并积极参与独立战争;普通法院的代表;1775年和1776年大陆会议成员;1776年6月辞职,成为大陆奖品的代理人,并监督几艘战船的建造;担任了几届州众议院议长,并在1777年会议期间押上他的财产装备了一支对抗英国的探险队;参加了本宁顿会战,在萨拉托加和罗德岛指挥一个连; member, State senate 1784; President of New Hampshire 1785, 1788; again a Member of the Continental Congress in 1787; delegate to the Federal Constitutional Convention in 1787; member of the State ratifying convention; elected to the United States Senate and served from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1801; elected the first President pro tempore of the Senate on April 6, 1789, in order that the Senate might organize to count the electoral vote for President and Vice President of the United States; also served as President pro tempore of the Senate during the Second Congress; declined to accept the portfolio of Secretary of the Navy in the Cabinet of President Thomas Jefferson in 1801; member, New Hampshire legislature from 1801-1805, the last two terms as speaker; Governor of New Hampshire 1805-1811, with the exception of 1809; declined the nomination as a candidate for vice president in 1812; died in Portsmouth, N.H., September 18, 1819; interment in the Langdon tomb in the North Cemetery.


