
1739 - 1800

拉特里奇,约翰(爱德华·拉特利奇的兄弟,小约翰·拉特利奇的父亲),来自南卡罗来纳州的代表;1739年出生于南卡罗来纳州的基督教堂教区;追求古典研究;先后在查尔斯顿和伦敦中庙学习法律;回到南卡罗来纳州的查尔斯顿,并于1761年开始执业;1762年当选为省议会议员;1764年和1765年的临时司法部长;1765年在纽约召开的《印花税法案》国会代表;继续从事法律工作;1774-1775年大陆会议成员; served as president and commander in chief of South Carolina 1776-1778 and as governor 1779-1782; again a Member of the Continental Congress in 1782 and 1783; elected one of the state chancellors in 1784; delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1787; member of the state ratification convention in 1788; received the electoral vote of South Carolina for vice president in 1789; Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court 1789-1791; elected chief justice of South Carolina in 1790 and served until 1795, when he resigned; nominated in 1795 to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and presided at the August term, but the Senate on December 15, 1795, refused to confirm him; died in Charleston, S.C., July 23, 1800; interment in St. Michaelâs Churchyard.


