
1836 - 1926

大炮,约瑟夫·格尼伊利诺伊州众议员;1836年5月7日出生于北卡罗来纳州吉尔福德县的吉尔福德;1840年,他随父母搬到了印第安纳州的布鲁明代尔;预备研究完成;在辛辛那提法学院学习法律;1858年获得律师资格,并于1858年在印第安纳州的特雷豪特开始执业;搬到了伊利诺伊州的图斯科拉。, 1859年;Stateâs 1861年3月至1868年12月担任伊利诺伊州第二十七司法区律师;作为共和党人当选为第四十三届和随后的八届国会议员(1873年3月4日- 1891年3月3日);邮政部门支出委员会(第四十七届国会)、拨款委员会(第五十一届国会)主席; moved to Danville, Ill., in 1878; unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1890 to the Fifty-second Congress; elected to the Fifty-third and to the nine succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1893-March 3, 1913); chairman, Committee on Appropriations (Fifty-fourth through Fifty-seventh Congresses), Committee on Rules (Fifty-eighth through Sixty-first Congresses); Speaker of the House of Representatives (Fifty-eighth through Sixty-first Congresses); received fifty-eight votes for the presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention at Chicago in 1908; unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1912 to the Sixty-third Congress; again elected to the Sixty-fourth and to the three succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1915-March 3, 1923); declined renomination for Congress at the end of the Sixty-seventh Congress; retired from public life; died in Danville, Vermilion County, Ill., November 12, 1926; interment in Spring Hill Cemetery.


葛,布莱尔。来自伊利诺伊州的暴君:乔叔叔Cannonâs个人权力的实验.纽约:诺顿出版社,1951年。转载,西港,康涅狄格州:格林伍德出版社,[1974];大炮,约瑟夫·格尼。《乔·坎农叔叔:一个美国拓荒者的故事》,讲给l·怀特·巴斯比。纽约:霍尔特,1927年。再版,圣克莱尔海岸,MI:学术出版社,1970;大炮,约瑟夫·格尼。约瑟夫·格尼回忆录âUncle Joeâ坎农.Helen Leseure Abdill转录。丹维尔,病了。:朱米利恩县博物馆协会,1996年。
