Joseph Wellington BYRNS,国会,TN (1869-1936)

1869 - 1936

BYRNS,约瑟夫惠灵顿(小约瑟夫·威灵顿·伯恩斯的父亲),田纳西州众议员;出生在田纳西州罗伯逊县雪松山附近。1869年7月20日;上过普通学校;1887年毕业于纳什维尔高中,毕业于田纳西州纳什维尔的范德比尔特大学法律系。, 1890年;1890年获得律师资格,并开始在纳什维尔从事法律业务;1895-1901年,州众议院议员;1901-1903年,州参议员;1902年戴维森县地方检察长候选人落选;作为民主党人当选为第61届国会和随后的13届国会议员,从1909年3月4日开始任职,直到去世;拨款委员会主席(第72届国会); majority leader (Seventy-third Congress), Speaker of the House of Representatives (Seventy-fourth Congress); chairman of the Democratic National Congressional Campaign Committee 1928-1930; was a nominee for reelection to the Seventy-fifth Congress at the time of his death; died in Washington, D.C., on June 4, 1936; funeral services were held in the Hall of the House of Representatives; interment in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Nashville, Tenn.


