
1782 - 1862
1821 - 1828

范布伦,马丁(詹姆斯·艾萨克·范·艾伦同父异母的兄弟),曾任纽约州参议员、美国副总统和第八任总统;1782年12月5日出生于纽约州哥伦比亚县的肯德胡克;上过乡村学校;学习法律;1803年在纽约州肯德胡克获得律师资格并开始执业;1809年搬到纽约的哈德逊;哥伦比亚县1808-1813年的代理人;1813-1820年州参议院成员;纽约司法部长(1816-1819年);1821年参加州制宪会议; elected as a Democratic Republican (later Crawford Republican and then Jacksonian) to the United States Senate; reelected in 1827, and served from March 4, 1821, until December 20, 1828, when he resigned, having been elected Governor; chairman, Committee on the Judiciary (Eighteenth through Twentieth Congresses); Governor of New York from January to March 1829, when he resigned to enter the Cabinet; appointed Secretary of State in the Cabinet of President Andrew Jackson and served from March 1829, until his resignation, effective May 1831, when he was commissioned Minister to Great Britain; the Senate rejected his nomination in January 1832, and he returned to the United States; elected, as a Democrat, Vice President of the United States on the ticket with Andrew Jackson and served from March 4, 1833, to March 3, 1837; elected, as a Democrat, President of the United States and served from March 4, 1837, to March 3, 1841; unsuccessful candidate for reelection as President on the Democratic ticket in 1840 and on the Free-Soil ticket in 1848; withdrew from political life and retired to his country home, âLindenwald,â in Kinderhook, N.Y., where he died July 24, 1862; interment in Kinderhook Cemetery.


