
1800 - 1874

菲尔莫,米勒德,一名来自纽约的代表,美国副总统和第13任总统;1800年1月7日生于纽约州卡尤加县洛克乡(现夏山);在农场饲养;主要是自学成才;当裁缝学徒;在布法罗的学校教书,同时学习法律;1823年获得律师资格,并开始在纽约州东奥罗拉执业;1830年迁至纽约州布法罗;1829年至1831年,州议会成员;作为辉格党成员入选第二十三届国会(1833年3月4日- 1835年3月3日); elected to the Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, and Twenty-seventh Congresses (March 4, 1837-March 3, 1843); declined to be a candidate for renomination in 1842; unsuccessful Whig candidate for Governor in 1844; State comptroller 1847-1849; elected Vice President of the United States on the Whig ticket headed by Zachary Taylor in 1848, and was inaugurated March 4, 1849; became President upon the death of President Taylor and served from July 10, 1850, to March 3, 1853; unsuccessful candidate for the Whig nomination for president in 1852; unsuccessful candidate for president on the National American ticket in 1856; commanded a corps of home guards during the Civil War; traveled extensively; died in Buffalo, N.Y., March 8, 1874; interment in Forest Lawn Cemetery.


