Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller,国会,NY(1908-1979)


洛克菲勒,尼尔森·阿尔德里奇(尼尔森W. Aldrich的孙子; John D的叔叔,美国副总裁John D. [jay]洛克菲勒四世;1908年7月8日,缅因州哈康科克县的巴特港(Hancock County);纽约州哥伦比亚大学林肯学校林肯学院,1926年;达特茅斯学院毕业1930年;从事石油,房地产和银行业务,家庭慈善活动;纽约市现代艺术博物馆主席的受托人,财务主任各种各样地服务于1932-1975;1940年至1944年美洲事务办公室主任;拉丁美洲助理国务卿1944-1945;返回家庭慈善活动,并帮助建立美国国际协会;1953 - 1958年政府组织咨询委员会成员和主席; Under Secretary of the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 1953-1954; Special Assistant to the President for Foreign Affairs 1954-1955; Governor of New York 1959-1973; unsuccessful candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 1964, 1968, and 1972; nominated by President Gerald R. Ford on August 20, 1974, under the provisions of the twenty-fifth amendment to the Constitution, to be the Forty-first Vice President of the United States; confirmed by the Congress and took the oath of office on December 19, 1974, and served until January 20, 1977, when the term ended; returned to family philanthropic activities and worked extensively on his art collection in New York, N.Y., where he died on January 26, 1979; cremated; ashes interred at the family estate, Pocantico Hills, N.Y.


